Display Recently Viewed Products Without App or jQuery.
This code will store the last 4 visited product pages in the browsers memory and display them as a section on the Product page. The steps below are for the Dawn theme.
Create a new section file, in this case called recent-products.liquid
, and add the following code:
<div class="page-width">
<h2 class="product-recommendations__heading h2">{{ section.settings.heading | escape }}</h2>
<ul class="recently-viewed grid product-grid grid--4-col-desktop grid--2-col-tablet-down" role="list"">
<!-- Recently viewed products will appear here -->
function setRecentlyViewedProducts() {
const productData = {
productTitle: "{{ product.title }}",
productImg: "{{ product.featured_media | image_url: width: 533 }}",
imgWidth:"{{ product.featured_media.width }}",
imgHeight:"{{ product.featured_media.height }}",
productPrice: "{{ product.price | money_with_currency }}",
productUrl: "{{ product.url }}",
productImageAltText: "{{product.featured_media.alt | escape }}"
const productList = [];
let jsonResp, jsonRespArr, jsonRespArrStr;
const numberOfProducts = 4;
const currProductPageTitle = productData.productTitle;
const productDataString = JSON.stringify(productList);
const localData = localStorage.getItem("recentlyViewedProduct");
if (localData === null) {
localStorage.setItem("recentlyViewedProduct", productDataString);
} else if (localData) {
const oldProductData = localStorage.getItem("recentlyViewedProduct");
const countProductData = (oldProductData.match(/productTitle/g) || []).length;
const sameProduct = oldProductData.includes(currProductPageTitle);
if (countProductData < numberOfProducts && sameProduct == false) {
jsonResp = JSON.parse(oldProductData);
jsonRespArr = jsonResp.concat(productList);
jsonRespArrStr = JSON.stringify(jsonRespArr);
localStorage.setItem("recentlyViewedProduct", jsonRespArrStr);
} else if (countProductData >= numberOfProducts && sameProduct == false) {
jsonResp = JSON.parse(oldProductData);
jsonRespArr = jsonResp.concat(productList);
jsonRespArr = JSON.stringify(jsonRespArr);
localStorage.setItem("recentlyViewedProduct", jsonRespArr);
const localViewed = localStorage.recentlyViewedProduct;
function getRecentlyViewedProducts() {
const productData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("recentlyViewedProduct"));
const recentlyViewedHtml = [];
productData.map(item => {
<li class="grid__item">
<div class="card-wrapper underline-links-hover">
<div class="card card--standard card--media " style="--ratio-percent: 100%;">
<div class="card__inner color-background-2 gradient ratio" style="--ratio-percent: 100%;">
<div style="position:static" class="card__media">
<div class="media media--transparent media--hover-effect">
<img class="motion-reduce" src="${item.productImg}" width="${item.imgWidth}" height="${item.imgHeight}" loading="lazy" alt="${item.productImageAltText}"/>
<div class="card__content">
<div class="card__information">
<h3 class="card__heading h5">
<a class="full-unstyled-link" href="${item.productUrl}">${item.productTitle}</a></h3>
<div class="card-information">
<div class="price ">
<div class="price__container">
<div class="price-item price-item--regular">
const newProductData = `${recentlyViewedHtml.join("")}`;
const fullContent = document.getElementsByClassName("recently-viewed");
fullContent[0].innerHTML = newProductData;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {
{% schema %}
"name": "Recent Products",
"settings": [
"type": "text",
"id": "heading",
"default": "Recently Viewed",
"label": "Title"
{% endschema %}
Update the product.json
file ( in the Templates
folder ), to include the new recent-products
section details:
"sections": {
"main": {
"type": "main-product",
"blocks": {
"vendor": {
"type": "text",
"settings": {
"text": "{{ product.vendor }}",
"text_style": "uppercase"
"title": {
"type": "title",
"settings": {
"subtitle": {
"type": "text",
"settings": {
"text": "{{ product.metafields.descriptors.subtitle.value }}",
"text_style": "subtitle"
"price": {
"type": "price",
"settings": {
"variant_picker": {
"type": "variant_picker",
"settings": {
"picker_type": "button"
"quantity_selector": {
"type": "quantity_selector",
"settings": {
"buy_buttons": {
"type": "buy_buttons",
"settings": {
"show_dynamic_checkout": true
"description": {
"type": "description",
"settings": {
"share": {
"type": "share",
"settings": {
"share_label": "Share"
"block_order": [
"settings": {
"enable_sticky_info": true,
"hide_variants": false,
"enable_video_looping": false
"product-recommendations": {
"type": "product-recommendations",
"settings": {
"heading": "You may also like",
"image_ratio": "adapt",
"show_secondary_image": false,
"add_image_padding": false,
"show_image_outline": true,
"show_vendor": false,
"show_rating": false
"recent-products": {
"type": "recent-products",
"settings": {
"order": [
Don't forget to add the section name to the order
Now you should see in the theme customizer for your product page a section called Recent Products
You can change the displayed title of the section using the customizer (by defaullt it's set to "Recently Viewed")
If you are using a different theme (most likely one without a product.json
template file), you can create a new snippet file (in the Snippets
folder), add the same code as for the section without the schema part at the end. The styling for the code uses the Dawn theme's CSS, so you will need to add your own.
{% schema %}
"name": "Recent Products",
"settings": [
"type": "text",
"id": "heading",
"default": "Recently Viewed",
"label": "Title"
{% endschema %}
In you product.liquid
file (or the sub-file whch contains the full product page code) include the snippet using:
{% render 'recent-products' %}
Place it where you would like the recently viewed products to appear on the product page.